“Whimsical art maker” Joanne Sharpe is a colorful mixed media artist and enthusiastic teacher with a passion for art journaling, lettering, doodling and illustration.
Tag: art
Illustrations by Florian Nicolle
Florian Nicolle tries to create an image that retains its freshness of the first paint stroke, the expressions of the line have to be very free and spontaneous while keeping a rigorous drawing.
Papercut Art
Karen Bit Vejles form of expression, psaligraphy, literally means the art of drawing or painting with scissors. Her works are formed from a large, continuous piece of paper and then cut using scissors.
Plant for the Planet
Really unusual artwork using leaves.
Digital Painting
The vibrant digital art of AliceXZ (DeviantArt) is fiery emotional and incredibly memorable.
Mixed Media Artist
Really inspiring mixed media, collage art by Kelly Rae Roberts.
Modern Art
Beautiful Decay of Society by Chloe Early – playfully erotic, fantasy-themed pieces explode with color, while the stark contrast of vibrant pastels and heavy dark undertones.
Handmade cards
Mokoh design create handmade cards which have a contemporary, Aussie style.